General Terms and Conditions
Booking and cancellation
A deposit of 50% of the total amount is required on booking. If the fee is not received within 5 working days the calendar will re-opened and the dates made available.
Remainder/full payment is due at least 7 working days prior to arrival.
Cancellation 7 days or less prior to check-in, payment will not be refunded.
Cancellation 7 days before check-in, 100% of the payment will be refunded.
Payment methods
Direct bank transfer. Any transfer costs must be paid by the sender.
Arrival and departure
Check in from 16:00 - 20:00 hours on the day of arrival
Check out no later than 10:00 hours
No pets allowed
Not a good fit for children 0 – 12 years
No smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes
Re-cycling is requested by guests
The apartment may only be used by the persons listed in the booking.
Tourism tax included
Cleaning included